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Julia Fox
Aveer Chadha '26 recently completed the Economics & Finance Research Internship program at OxBright. 
The OxBright mission "is to give students the edge to help them succeed, find their purpose and make a difference in the world."

To this end, Aveer more than succeeded. 

The focus of his program was the rising tensions in international trade. At the conclusion of the month-long internship, Aveer's mentor commended him for the following: 

Aveer was ever-ready to contribute his valuable ideas; he was a lively, positive addition to the group. He impressed me immensely with his advanced understanding of and appreciation for the subject. He works very well as part of a team, and should be particularly commended for his collaborative skills, which will continue to gain value.

Not only was he strongly encouraged to continue pursuing further study in this field, but Aveer also co-authored and published a paper in the OxJournal titled: Trade Wars and the Automotive, Technological, and Agricultural Industries. Only a select number of papers are published. 

Moravian Academy congratulates him on this achievement and looks forward to following his burgeoning future in economics. 
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