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Middle School at Moravian Academy

When you visit our Middle Schools on either the Historic Downtown or Swain Campuses, you’ll immediately feel the vibrant learning activity that’s constantly underway at all grade levels: Seventh graders dissecting frogs or performing Pop-Up Shakespeare around the campus. Sixth graders embarking on a cross-curricular exploration of Anatomy of an Empire or eighth graders fully engaged in respectful debate around a Harkness table. And the whole school community united in engagement with music, theater, and performing arts for which we’ve long been known.

Swain Campus - We believe that social-emotional learning is just as vital to success as subject-matter mastery. Swain Campus students work with a school counselor to engage in dialogues about their mental, physical, and relational health and skills. We also teach conflict resolution and deploy Responsive Classroom, a program that promotes positive classroom culture through peer agreements that support shared goals.
Historic Downtown - Since 1751, Moravians—and people of all faiths—have been attending services in the Old Chapel in Downtown Bethlehem, a building where George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Hancock all worshiped. This is the same building that our students enter every Wednesday morning for weekly Chapel services. The Chapel program creates space for students to join together in reflection, prayer, song, and learning around varied religious heritages and cultural identities. Our students emerge from their chapel experiences with ever-greater cultural competency..
As on every Moravian campus, each child is valued and nurtured as an individual. Here, your child finds both windows into others’ beliefs and mirrors that reflect their own experiences. 
MORE TO EXPLORE Preschool-12 in the Lehigh Valley