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      Moravian Academy Logo

Head of School

Adrianne Finley Odell

Welcome to Moravian Academy and thank you for taking this first step to learn more about us.  While we are the ninth oldest independent school in our country with an incredible history, we remain focused on providing an educational environment that is future focused and responsive to what young people need today to thrive as the world around them changes rapidly.
There are so many things to be proud of at Moravian Academy, from the outstanding academics, to the top-tier athletics, to the inspiring arts program, our campuses are filled with excellent people and programs that offer life-changing opportunities for young people.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve at the helm of a school that is grounded in a storied tradition of academic excellence but is looking boldly toward the future.  I believe the ultimate purpose of school is to provide an inspired environment for young people to acquire a love of learning through authentic experiences, to gain a deep understanding of themselves and others, and to build confidence to make their own unique contributions to the world.
Our mission and vision serve as the foundation for important work ahead as we consider the rapid societal changes around us that impact the everyday lives of the young people we serve.  The skills they need to thrive in the years to come go well beyond the acquisition of content.  If they are to reach their full potential, young people will need to learn to innovate, think divergently, and collaborate with other 
pioneering thinkers to solve the complex problems of their time.  I believe that Moravian is poised to serve as a leading institution nationally to foster an educational environment that can help our students achieve just that.  
I am grateful for the privilege to serve as a school leader in these complex and transformative times and I look forward to welcoming you to one of our three campuses to explore what makes the Moravian Academy experience so special.
With appreciation for your partnership in the education of young people,
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