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Historic Moravian Bethlehem Designated as UNESCO World Heritage Site

Adrianne Finley Odell
I am thrilled to share some truly momentous news with you. After two decades of passion, dedication, and steadfast focus led by Charlene Donchez Mowers '64P, former President of the Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites (HBMS) along with other individuals at HBMS, the City of Bethlehem, Moravian University and Central Moravian Church, the Historic Moravian Bethlehem National Historic Landmark District has officially been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This prestigious honor was granted late last night in Delhi, India, and it marks a significant milestone in our community’s history.

The designation is part of a transnational serial designation entitled Moravian Church Settlements, which includes four historic Moravian Church settlements in addition to the Historic Bethlehem site: Gracehill, Northern Ireland/UK; Herrnhut, Germany; and Christiansfeld, Denmark — which became a World Heritage site in 2015. This achievement represents the U.S. government’s first multi-country designation.

To put this in perspective, there are only 24 World Heritage Sites in the entire United States. Until now, Pennsylvania was home to just two: Independence Hall in Philadelphia and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater outside of Pittsburgh. Globally, there are just over 1,100 World Heritage sites, including iconic landmarks such as the Great Wall of China and the pyramids of Egypt.

What is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
In 1972, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was established as a specialized agency of the United Nations, merging two movements focused on the preservation of cultural sites and the conservation of nature. In 1978, Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands became the first of 12 sites to be added to the list. Today, the designation is synonymous with the highest level of cultural and natural heritage significance.

Benefits of Being Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Tourism: One of the primary benefits of this designation is increased tourism. Recognition as a World Heritage Site attracts travelers, travel writers, and news organizations, thereby elevating the site’s status and bringing new economic benefits to the area.

Funding: The site becomes eligible to receive funds for protection and conservation, ensuring that its historical significance is preserved for future generations. Additionally, it gains access to global project management resources for repairs or tourism enhancements.

What Does This Mean for Moravian Academy?
The designation of Historic Moravian Bethlehem as a UNESCO World Heritage Site will have several impacts on Moravian Academy:
  • More Visitors on Campus: We can anticipate an increase in visitors, including tourists and scholars, who will be eager to explore our historic surroundings.
  • Heightened Security: Anticipating more visitors, we reviewed our current security contract and requested proposals from several other well-regarded providers. After a thorough review, we are pleased to announce that Cardinal Point Security Group will be our new security provider across all three campuses. 
  • Educational Opportunities: Dr. Abby Mahone, Director of the Historic Downtown Campus, has been named to the educational committee of Historic Bethlehem Museum & Sites (HBMS). Through this partnership, we look forward to collaborating on the creation of educational programming as well as a junior docent program with HBMS. Separately, we will be incorporating the entire site in our HDC curricula, community service opportunities, and collaborating with HBMS on a community garden.
  • Community Engagement: This recognition enhances our community’s profile, fostering a greater sense of pride and engagement. We will collaborate with local organizations and stakeholders to maximize the benefits of this designation for everyone involved. To better introduce MA families to the incredible history that surrounds us, we will be partnering with HBMS to welcome MA families for a special Moravian Academy Family Day tour of the newly designated site on October 5, 2024. 
  • Funding and Resources: As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, we may gain access to additional funding and resources that can be used to improve our facilities and programs, ensuring that we continue to offer a world-class education to our students.
  • Global Connections: This designation connects us to a global network of World Heritage Sites, providing opportunities for international collaboration and exchange programs, enriching our students’ educational experiences and broadening their perspectives.
We are excited about the opportunities this designation brings to our community and look forward to the positive impacts it will have on our school and the broader Bethlehem area.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Moravian Academy. Together, we will embrace this new chapter in our shared history.
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